Did you know that 85% of our immunity is in our GUT! Have you been dealing with constant stomach issues like gas, bloating, constipation diarrhea? Do you have issues with chronic fatigue, tiredness, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome?
Poor GUT Health has been linked to:
Constant stomach issues
Gas, Bloating
Chronic Fatigue
Unintentional Weight Loss and/or Weight Gain
Skin Conditions
Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis
AutoImmune Diseases
Mood Swings
Depression and Anxiety - certain bacteria toxins can do this!
Intense Food Cravings
Trouble Losing Weight
Cardiovascular Disease
Our service involved an extensive non -invasive evaluation of your GI Tract that check for parasites, bacterial, viral. and normal GUT bacteria that could be affecting your overall health and wellness. Includes the test and 3 Month Wellness Partnership with our Nurse Practitioner that uses natural essential oils and vitamins to address your GUT Health and impact your Life!
3 Month Partnership Includes
Initial 45 Minute Nurse Practitioner Consultation to discuss your health goals and results
Custom Plan using essentials oils and vitamins to address your GUT Health including nutritional guidance
Weekly email to check in and assess client status
If this sounds like you, consider booking a session today
